Thursday, December 8, 2011


I do not have much progress to share. The end of the year is always a little crazy for me at work but I hope to have more to share and start posting more regularly.

The first update I have is about the dresser for the nursery. It has been wood puttied, sanded, and most of it has been primed.  A couple action shots of the sanding process for you:

I know what you're thinking. My sanding attire is very attractive. You are correct.

Like most things, I take sanding very seriously. Thank you Doug for stealing bringing me a mask from the hospital.

The only other progress we've made on the nursery is in the closet. You'll remember what it looked like before:
Most of the doors still attached, shoe rack in the floor and junk throughout. My mom and dad (Pop and Still Undecided on a Grandma Name) came down to help us rip the unnecessary parts out last weekend.

Ripping out the shoe rack.

Door and hardware removal team/supervisor.

At the end we were left with this:

We've ordered more carpet and they should be coming to install it in the next week. After that our handymen (Undecided Grandpa and Spuncle) will be in to patch, paint, and install new shelving.

Speaking of Spuncle, who hates this nickname, by the way, he is taking his big final in Quantum Physics right now, so think good thoughts for him!

I will be back tomorrow with ultrasound pictures from our 21 week appointment!

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