At the recommendation of my cousin, Leah, who is due 2 weeks before me, I went to Buy Buy Baby and got myself a Snoogle to help combat my increasing inability to sleep. I have been using a regular pillow between my knees and I wondered if a real maternity pillow could make that much of a difference. Let me just assure you that it can.
Is it ridiculous looking? Absolutely. But it's also effective. I got into bed just to test it out and woke up three hours later still fully clothed. I am on my way to the lake this weekend and spent a good 15 minutes trying to cram it into my overnight bag. It didn't fit, as you might imagine. I still couldn't bring myself to leave it behind so its just stuffed in my trunk. I believe everyone should invest in a Snoogle. I am wondering how long it will be before Doug tries to steal mine.
I just showed your snoogle post to Alex. He wants one for himself now!